Sneakers are probably the most popular type of shoes currently. They are comfortable, stylish and easy to pair with almost any outfit. Every stylish man needs to own at least a few good pair of sneakers.
Buying a new sneaker could be a real headache, with so many choices out there, it could get overwhelming for many people to choose the right one for them. To make things a little easier for you we have listed a few types of sneakers that should be present in your wardrobe.
Type of sneakers every man needs
1 white sneaker

Every man needs at least one good pair of white sneakers in his wardrobe. It is the most versatile shoe you can own. A clean white pair of sneaker can be paired with anything, shorts, jeans, chinos, trousers, you can even pair it with a suit.
If it is going to be your first or only pair of sneaker then this is definitely the one you should go for. It is really easy to style and it works with almost any outfit.
Here are the white sneakers that we recommend:
2. Everyday Sneaker

Other than a pair of white sneaker every man needs an everyday sneaker which you can wear for college or when going to the supermarket for shopping etc. An important thing to consider for this pair of sneaker is the price. The everyday sneaker should be cheap so that you can beat them anywhere and everywhere.
Sneakers that we recommend in this category are vans and converse these are extremely affordable and does not compromise on style too. You can pair them with practically anything without thinking too much and these are actually one of the few sneakers that looks better when they get worn off a bit which makes them perfect for everyday wear.
3. Workout/Athleisure Sneakers
If you do any form of exercise then you need a pair of sneaker that is comfortable enough for it and if you don’t work out then firstly you should start doing some sort of workout be it weight training or running etc but even if you are not into working out then also you need a pair of athleisure sneaker which is extremely trendy right now. These sneakers are sportier and more comfortable than your regular sneakers.
Here are the ones that we recommend:
Trendy Sneakers (optional)
once you have got your basics in place you can move on to some trendy sneakers or the hyped sneakers. It could be anything from Balenciaga to jordans or something else. These are usually very expensive and that’s why I don’t, think most people should go for them especially students but if you have the money and are willing to experiment with your style then why not. These can make you stand apart from the crowd and can bring life to a boring outfit but you should be careful and never go overboard with trendy items. If you are wearing a sneaker which makes you stand apart then your outfit should be relatively simple.